Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday Family Fun

Yesterday was one of those awesome late Winter days, it was sunny, mildly warm and just beautiful out.  We took the boys to the track at the school to see if we could finally get Wy to ride his bike without training wheels.  After a few laps around DH took off the support wheel and with a little help he was off and riding!  He loves it, as we knew he would.  He did lap after lap and even started out on his own when he got off in the grass.  It's amazing how fast they grow.

I managed to walk the track for some exercise, with a little jogging, and jumping rope to amp things up.  I also got to play on the swings!  My butt isn't too big now to fit!

I used to dread going to the track.  All I would do is sit on the bench and watch the kids and DH play.  I was so out of shape it was just a horrible time for me.  Not anymore!  It was an awesome day hanging out with the family.  I look forward to doing more things with them and taking on new adventures!

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