Friday, October 9, 2009

Library Fun

Wy had his first trip to the library today.  For someone who loves books like I do I'm not sure why he's almost four and just now going...says something about me I'm sure.  He was very excited as  he loves to read just about anything, and after begging me over and over while I was out taking pictures we finally made it.

What book would he pick?  There of course are so many to choose from, how will he decide?

He didn't.....

They had a Thomas train set....
nuff said.
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The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

good for you.. books are a must.. the pictures are tooo cute. You should put the one with him and the train in Color Carnival tonight!

Cherie said...

aw, so much like my 3-yr-old, enamored by thomas! we'd just been to the library for the umpteenth time, and i'm ready to go back!~~~love your blogsite!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

lol! That's what my twinlings would have done, too.
Do you have videos and books of Thomas at home? My boys coul never get enough of him.
