Who would of thought such a question would be hard to answer....I will try and be as honest as I can.
I am first a Mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend...I am also a woman on a new journey to become healthy.
I'm fat you see. Not just chunky, but "morbidly obese" as the Dr. wrote on my file once. I have been this way for most of my life and it has been an ongoing battle. I'm thinking of doing something drastic about it this year....but more about that later maybe.
I am also a photographer in training, a knitter of anything not a sweater, a obsessed horse lover, and a partime hairstylist.
I am many things to a few different people, most of whom like me. I hope to find a few things out about myself and maybe meet a few bloggers with similar likes. I enjoy any comments and try to be honest in my replies, although I have found that my shyness seems to have followed me to the blog, I'm trying to open up to my normal personality and not try to be just "correct" all the time. What's the fun in that? You just have to be yourself and not worry about it.
Here's hoping it all works out....