Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Swinging Bridge

It was a beautiful day today...to nice to stay in the house....So Wy and I decided to go for a walk.
This is the view from the swinging bridge across Little Tennessee River.
Here's my little man walking across the bridge for
the first time. No fear of course.
Another view from the bridge Tossing rocks in the river
Couple of rock towers people have built up
Some local color across the bridge
Taking it all in.


kellie said...

He looks like such a little boy. Love him and you too.

DesertHen said...

That bridge makes my knees weak!! Great fall colors and your little guy is a cutie....=)

Beverly said...

Those photos are amazing. I have a view of the Sears Towers and while it may be nice; it's nothing compared to the natural splendor. What a blessing to be able to see that. I think for christmas; I'm gonna ask for a mountain.